Thursday 31 August 2017

4 Surprisingly Simple Ways To Promote Your Website On A Shoestring Budget…

If it's that simple, then why don't we do it?

How to Create a Website on a Budget

There are various reasons why you may want your own website...
If you are thinking of starting an online business one of the first things you will need to do is get yourself a website in place.
If you have an existing business you may want to have your own piece of the internet for your customers to visit 'out of hours'.
Maybe you just want your own personal website for a different purpose.
Whatever the reasons for wanting a website, it can be a daunting prospect if you have never tackled anything like this before
You may think you need to hire a company of programmers or web designers to get your website up and running. You could do this, but the cost of doing so can be a little more than you are prepared to spend.

Besides if you go down this route and you do hire one of these companies then what happens when you want to change something on your web page? Even if its just one sentence, changing the colour scheme or changing a picture, it could take time and cost you money.
Wouldn't it be easier, not to have to worry about these issues and simply change things yourself?
You may be thinking that you don't know how to write code...
Or you don't have the necessary IT skills to do that sort of thing...
Or it's just too much of a complicated thing for you to tackle...
You may even be thinking that you wouldn't know where to start...
Well you are not alone, a lot of people have these reservations when faced with the same prospect.
The good news is nowadays building your own website is not that difficult, in fact you could have your own website up and running from scratch in just one single afternoon.
You don't need to know coding...
You don't need any IT skills...
and it really isn't as difficult as you may think.
As for where to start...
That's what I'm about to tell you!

You may be thinking the simple way is to head off to wix or Weebly and put together a free drag and drop website and while this is true if you just want your website as a bit of fun or for non business purposes, If you want to be taken seriously as a business then you will need your own website with your own web address.
You see your website is often the first experience a potential customer has of your business and if you are offering products or services on a website from a free provider what kind of image do you think this gives to your browsing prospect?
So a small investment now will pay dividends in the future and save you from the inevitable and sometimes very complicated task of changing to a paid for website somewhere further down the line.
Besides you can create your own website, with your own domain name for less than $10 a month, not bad eh?
I know the idea of building your own website from scratch can be a daunting one but it really is not as bad as you may think.
Choose and Purchase a name
The First thing you will need to do before you start anything is to decide on a name for your website.
I like to sit down with a pen and a piece of paper and write out various different ideas for my website name, I generally want to come up with at least three that I like because chances are someone has already taken one of the names you come up with.
Now obviously only you will have an idea what you want your website to be called but usually it will be something relating to the particular area or niche that you are currently operating in.
For example If you sell videos teaching how to play golf you might want something such as:
If you are having trouble coming up with a name for your website there are resources out there that can help you decide on a name.
Once you have your ideas for you website name then we can go and look at a domain name provider to purchase your chosen name.

A domain name is not expensive and will usually cost you between $6 to $12 a Year.
Towards the end of the your domain name expiry, your provider will send you an email asking if you would like to renew your name and then its up to you whether you decide to keep it or just let it expire.
There are numerous domain name providers out there but they all offer you a fairly similar service and price, it's always worth it to just have a look around and see what offers you can get.
Once your domain name is chosen, you will be asked to set up an account so that you can register your details and pay for your new domain name.
And there you have it, you are now the proud owner of your very own domain name.
Buy Your Web Hosting
The next thing you need to do is find a web host for your website, this can be purchased from a hosting company.
As with domain name providers there are hundreds of web hosting companies out there, but unlike domain name providers it is more important to ensure you get a good hosting service who can provide you with a reliable service, after all any issues here and you website could become inaccessible which is not good for business.
You could always buy your web hosting from the same company who provided your domain name and although this is a more convenient option it usually works out more expensive.
It's worth doing a little research and looking at review sites to see which companies offer a good service and even speak to friends and colleagues who have their own websites to see which companies they recommend.
Once you decide on which company you are going to use, setting up your account is pretty straight forward, just choose the package you want from their website, set up an account, pay for your hosting (usually between $10 - $15 a Month) then wait for the email confirming everything.
So you now have your domain name and your web hosting sorted.

Set Your Name Servers
The final thing you need to do before you can start building your own website is to set your domain name servers.
All we need to do is point your domain name provider to the place on the internet where your website is being hosted.
This is called 'Setting your domain name servers'
Despite what you think this process is really very easy and just involves supplying your domain name provider with the location of your websites hosting address.
It is just a simple act of copying the information sent to you in your important email and pasting it to the relevant section on your domain name providers website.
If you did happen to purchase your domain name AND your Hosting from the same company then you don't even need to do this.
Install WordPress and Off You Go
Finally you can install WordPress on to your page and then you can build your website using this platform.
It is reported that 27.9% of all websites on the internet were built using WordPress.
WordPress is probably the easiest platform available today for a complete beginner to build your own website from scratch, and it is totally FREE!
But don't let the fact that it's free fool you into thinking it's not very good...

Wednesday 30 August 2017

Facebook MLM Marketing Secrets - How To Generate Leads Using Facebook Ma...

You need to be constantly generating more business leads in the hopes of turning those leads into customers. Can we do these secrets?

How Can I Generate Leads For My Business?

A lead is somebody who has, by some means, expressed interest in something you have to offer for sale. You're going to have many more leads than prospects, and many more prospects than customers. You need to be constantly generating more business leads in the hopes of turning those leads into customers.
Here are 5 proven ways to generate more leads fro your business.
1. Regularly Publish Content On Your Website
Putting information to your blog or website frequently, and on a regular schedule, boosts your chances of your website being ranked by the search engines and connecting with your audience. Remember that every bit of content for your leads needs to be checked for grammar, clarity, and format. You want the information you provide to represent the type of products and services you offer. If you make silly mistakes, it will reflect back onto your business.

2. Host A Webinar
Hosting a webinar is a great way for generating more business leads. A webinar is a live web-based video or audio conference that connects the host of the webinar to an audience. It's an easy way to introduce yourself your business, and your unique personality to your prospects. And it doesn't have to cost any money. YouTube Live, Google Hangouts and other websites and software suites offer free webinar services.
3. Record Helpful Videos
Video "connects" with your target market much better than text-based content. Videos are quick and easy to create and you don't even need to appear on camera if you don't want to. There are many video sharing sites that draw in millions of frequent users. YouTube and Vimeo are just two of the many places where you can host videos where you solve real problems in the lives of your prospects.
4. Answer Questions on Q & A Sites
People online go to websites like Quora, Yahoo Answers and WikiAnswers to ask questions about almost every topic. This is a way to prove yourself as an informed leader in your field. The search engines on these websites let you to focus on a specific question or topic, and when people see your answers, you can guide them back to your website.
5. Write An eBook
It's not difficult to write an eBook and you can offer it for free in return for a prospect's email address. Deciding upon an eBook topic is important. If you have existing clients, what questions do they keep asking? Check out the questions on industry related forums and Facebook groups. What are people asking for help with? If you provide the answer in your eBook, your prospects will want it.

Tuesday 29 August 2017

Content Marketing Predictions 2017 - Real Smart Marketing #1

Making Your Content Stand Above the Rest

You probably understand the importance (and necessity) of writing content. Your content is the way that you prove to your target audience members that you are an expert in your niche or industry. It is also the way that you build credibility and trustworthiness with your audience. However, it is important to bring your content to the next level and to make it stand about that of your competitors.
Considering all of the elements of your blog
First of all, people will be more than happy to offer you advice about what to do to your blog content in order to make it stand about the blog content of your competitors. Of course, that advice will not necessarily be appropriate advice for your particular business. You may be handed advice about your headlines, your teaser paragraph, the body of your blog, your conclusion, and your call-to-action. All of that is not to mention advice on what you should do to promote your blog after you have written it. The question is whether those people who are giving you all of that wonderful advice are actually not seeing the forest for the trees. Are they missing the point that you are actually trying to make with your blog?
It isn't enough to simply write and post your blog content online. You also want a large number of qualified people to notice and support what you have written and have taken the time to share. In short, you want your blog content to go viral. If your blog doesn't get the attention that you are hoping it will get, it will be a mere flash in the pan. Your readers will forget about it the minute they finish reading what you have written.

The fact is that being invisible is the worst possible thing that you can imagine (especially in business). If you (or your content) is not memorable, you won't get anywhere. You must create content that is not only valuable but that is also compelling and that makes the reader hunger for any content from you that he or she can read.
Well, don't despair because there are definitely ways to change that situation.
What you can do to make your content more memorable
There are many goals that you have in business that are important and are solid contributors to bringing your business to the next level. Some of those are increasing your website traffic, ramping up your list of connections, and writing top-shelf content. However, those factors will not necessarily make you memorable for other people. If you want to stand above your competitors, the way to do it is by being truly unique.
The truth is that everyone has competition. Some people don't actually believe that they do but they really do. We all do. Through your content, you need to express ideas that are so unique and exciting that the reader can't stop talking about them. That probably means that you need to think (and step outside of) the box on a semi-regular or regular basis. In fact, you need to do everything within your power to stand above your competition.

Getting other people to notice your content is not easy but it is not impossible either. Your ideas need to be so compelling that they are imprinted on the other person. The following are ways that you can make that happen:
  • Create your public persona carefully: Most people have public personas that are different from who they really are as people. If you want to create a perception in the minds of other people about you, you can. It is all up to you. You have the power. Of course, that generally means that you will have a persona that is extremely positive and larger than life. Part of your persona is an air of professionalism that goes beyond doubt. A large contributing factor will be the emotions that you introduce to that persona. Before you can create your persona, you need to figure out exactly how you wish to come across and that will always involve a photograph. Photographs are not only critical because of the large number of people who respond emotionally to images but they are also critical because, without your photo, you don't have any human qualities in the eyes of the other person. Without your photo, the other person has no way to relate to you. You will not resonate with them. It is the first step to building a meaningful relationship. It is important to remember to be consistent in all of your photos. Whatever emotion you are trying to convey with your photo, the same emotion should come through every time. Above all else, your persona should say that you are a human being, just like the other person.

  • Express your values: If you want to get people to buy into who you are and what you represent, tell them about what is important to you and what drives you. It is extremely important that you stand for important principles. Undoubtedly, there will be some people who will not agree with your views but that is the basis for lively, stimulating discussions, which you should invite whenever possible. However, there will certainly be a large number of people who support you and who agree with your point of view. It should never be a situation of unpleasant fighting, only reasonable, varied points of view. The other thing to remember is that you should always welcome other opinions than yours, as long as they are expressed in a polite, constructive manner.

  • Show how human you are: The fact that you write content expressly with the goal of helping other people in mind means that you are a good person. That concept already puts you one step ahead. However, showing your human side is critical to your success in business. Human beings only relate to other human beings. If you show your human/emotional side to the other person, you will be adding to your credibility and to your trustworthiness. The other person will never be able to relate to the person who seems too perfect. The fact is that you are human, which means that you will make mistakes sometimes. Other people will call you out on those mistakes and you will have to own them and move on from there. That will surely fortify your relationship with the other person.

  • Always be transparent: Your transparency and your genuineness are critical to your success. It is another way to demonstrate to the other person how human you are. You are saying that you are just like him or her. You will never subscribe to the "do as I say, not as I do" philosophy. You need to prove to the other person that you are willing to roll up your sleeves and get in there regularly. Nothing is above you.

  • Always be sensitive but not too sensitive: It is important to keep other people's feelings in mind and to be sensitive about what you share online. However, that doesn't mean that you always avoid conflict at all costs. If done appropriately, conflict can lead to really amazing discussions. If you don't think that way, you may be shutting yourself and your business off from opportunities that may be amazing for everyone involved. It really is all in the approach. If you express yourself in the right way, the consequence should be fine (and even productive).

Monday 28 August 2017

Online Marketing : Affiliate Marketing : How To Make Money Online

You don't have to be a tech-wiz to start an affiliate marketing website. So, want to try?

5 Steps To Setting Up An Affiliate Marketing Website

You don't have to be a tech-wiz to set up an affiliate marketing website. It's a great way to start an online business because your overheads are low, you don't have to create any products of your own and there are plenty of different products and services you can sell as an affiliate marketer.
An affiliate marketing website is an online business that you set up to sell products or services that have been created by other people. When customers buy from your website, the product owner pays you a commission.

Here are the 5 basic steps to setting up an affiliate marketing website.
1. Choose A Market
Make sure the market or niche you choose will be profitable and that it's a good match for you in the long term. You'll be spending a lot of time in this niche, so you have to make sure you'll like it. A profitable niche is one that is very active and where people are spending money.
2. Choose A Website Platform
You need to choose a platform to build your website. There are many website building options out there, so just choose that you feel comfortable with. The WordPress website building platform is an easy to use and affordable way to get a professional affiliate marketing website online quickly and easily in only a few clicks!
3. Put Content On Your Website
Your website will need good content, irrespective of what kind of affiliate marketing website you have online. Determine which subject areas are most important to your audience and write about them. Browse other competitor websites to see what people are talking about. You can also surf forums and question-and-answer sites (like Yahoo answers) for ideas of what to write about.

Sunday 27 August 2017

Strategies for Customer Retention, Customer Loyalty, and Repeat Sales | ...

How To Turn One Time Customers Into Repeat Buyers

When turn a prospect into a customer it's time to celebrate, right? You have made a sale, so your work is done. Now it's time to find some new leads so you can hopefully repeat the process.
But, before you do that, remember one important thing.
The customer you just obtained will never be more interested in what you have to say and offer than they are now. They've pulled out their wallet or purse and are buying what you are selling. Their level of interest in your business is sky high right now.
Right Here, Right Now
When a customer is in the process of buying one item from you, it's the perfect time to deliver an up-sell, down-sell or some other type of offer. Look at this as an opportunity to provide additional value and solve more problems for your customer, rather than thinking about making a sale.
It costs 6 to 7 times more to get a new customer than keep an existing one and, on average, 20% of your customers will be responsible for 80% of your sales.

Get Your Sales Funnel In Place
This is why you need a sales funnel. It will include an immediate offer to anyone who buys one of your products or services. A proven process here is to offer something that costs more than the item just purchased. This is known as an up-sell. If the customer passes on the up-sell, offer a down-sell option or a cross-sell of a related item.
This is one of the key reasons why the online retail giant Amazon is so successful. More than 35% of their revenue comes from cross-sell recommendations. The majority of customers just plan to buy and leave. However, when they are presented packages or connected products, it makes the shopping experience more convenient and it saves them time looking for these items and even suggesting things they may not have considered.

Saturday 26 August 2017

5 Steps for Gaining Followers

Innovation and Interaction: Gaining and Retaining Social Media Followers

The ever-increasing popularity of websites such as Facebook and Twitter makes it hard to ignore. Many a digital marketer have taken advantage of their vast potential to reach multitudes of people worldwide. Creating a social media campaign has become the norm for many businesses who wish to increase their visibility online.
This has meant that this certain area is becoming saturated. Promoting on social media will become an even more competitive field. That is, unless another kind of digital marketing takes its place.
But as the situation currently stands, garnering any degree of success is difficult for brands that rely on this medium. So they must ask themselves: How does one stand out above the rest?

In an online article published by Forbes Magazine, it stated that in order for a campaign to survive the competition, it needs to be innovative. It must provide content that is different from most posts that advertise similar services. While it can be difficult to create something truly original on the Internet, oftentimes it is only a matter of how one presents it.
When a company's followers are shown something that they believe they have never seen before, it makes content more interesting. The brand also becomes more memorable to newcomers. You will also be seen as a pioneer among your peers.
According to said article, how innovative a social media campaign is depends on these key qualities:
  • Uniqueness of persona and voice
  • the content's ability to surprise followers, and
  • an unconventional posting style and format.
However, making innovations in the way they market themselves is only half the battle for businesses. They must also be able to keep the followers they have gained in their campaigns.

According to a business magazine Entrepreneur's article, many businesses only focus on reeling in more new followers than they are with retaining them. Earning their loyalty is important as it improves a brand's online standing.
A company can keep their customers loyal and happy, says the article, by maintaining the quality of their posts. Better yet, content quality should be improved for the sake of the followers.
Brands should also watch out for the way they interact with both new and old followers. Social media is an effective tool for online exposure. It is a double-edged blade, however. The kind of visibility that one gets can be the good or the bad kind, depending on how a brand engages with its followers.
Customers value sincerity and consistency with their interactions with businesses. One wrong word, one mistake in how a reply sounds to a customer, and it can be shared or retweeted in a few moments. News spreads quickly on the Internet. Events in real life can also affect a brand's reputation, both online and offline. One such instance is the recent issue regarding United Airlines' treatment of its passengers. The spread of the viral video on social media has affected even their stocks, if for a short time.

Friday 25 August 2017

Affiliate Marketing For Beginners (EXPLAINED IN PLAIN ENGLISH!)

One of the great benefits of affiliate marketing is that you don't have to develop, store, organize delivery or manage payment systems for the products and services you are selling. But, are you willing to put some time and work  referring business? Well, there's no harm in trying.

Beginner's Guide To Making Money With Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is when you, as an affiliate, promote a company's product or service in exchange for revenue, otherwise known as a commission.
As an affiliate for a company you'll have an unique affiliate URL link that directs a prospect to the product sales page on the company's website. If the prospects buys the product after clicking on your link, the company will pay you a commission based on the total value of the sale. Your affiliate links can be used on your website, blogs, social media pages and emails. In fact anywhere that you can reach your target audience.
This popular business model is the simplest way to start your own online business.

Do You Need A Website To Get Started?
Some beginners do start affiliate marketing without website. They direct potential customers to product sales pages using online advertisements or social media links.
However, the most successful affiliate marketers build relationships and add value with their target market on their own website.
Think of it like meeting someone in person for the first time. They introduce themselves and immediately try to sell you something. Your reaction is to get away from them as soon as possible. Well, the same principle is relevant to affiliate marketing. You want to engage with the prospects first and build a relationship with them so they come to know, like and trust your recommendations.
The Benefits of Affiliate Marketing
One of the great benefits of affiliate marketing is that you don't have to develop, store, organize delivery or manage payment systems for the products and services you are selling. The product owner takes care of all these things. There's also no need to worry about answering any customer questions or issues, as all you are doing is referring business.
While it may sound like a quick and easy way to make money, you do have to put in some time and work to build your business.

Thursday 24 August 2017

How to Get More Organic Traffic Right Now (0 - 15k Visits in 30 Days)

How Can I Get More Traffic To My Website For Free?

When you go to the effort of creating a website, developing great content for it and, ultimately, wanting to sell your products and services from it, you're going to want people to visit your website.
So what can you do when traffic trickles in but you expected a lot more? Where are all the people and why aren't they coming to your website?
Don't be disheartened. It's time to start generating more website traffic. Here are 5 ways you can do it, without it costing you a penny.

1. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
This is the process of boosting your position on search engine results pages when people are looking for your type of products or services. Start by placing keywords in visible places such as in your headlines, links, categories, descriptions, etc., in order to encourage web surfers to click, read more, and take action.
2. Keep Creating New Content
Don't write a couple of articles or blog posts and stop. Your audience and the search engines are keen for your information. Add new content material to your website frequently. Keep in mind that infographics, articles or blog posts, photos, mp3 files, and videos are types of content that get more traffic to your website.
3. Produce A Special Report
You can attract the right kind of traffic if you offer a free, special report about the most common problems your readers experience. You give them the free report in return for signing up and giving you their email address. Once they are on your email list, you can market to them via email providing more info with links back to your website.

Wednesday 23 August 2017

How To Create An Online Business That Makes Money 24/7

You have the potential to make a great income when you choose the right niche, stay committed, and understand your audience. Now, are you ready to do business online?

How To Start An Online Business Selling Products

Smart entrepreneurs have identified that more and more people are buying products ans services online. The internet offers of the most lucrative ways for entrepreneurs to reach optimal success and increase their bottom line.
But how do you start selling products or services on the internet if you don't have any products or services of your own?
Selling Products That Are In High Demand
The secret to making reliable, repeatable money selling products on the internet is to sell a product that is in high demand. You can sell any number of high demand products as an affiliate.
This is the process of selling other people's products or services and is known as online affiliate marketing. You're called an affiliate because you're connected to the person or business that has created the product but you don't own any part of that business.

From The Beginning
Affiliate marketing is a genuine and popular online business model. The first place to start is with your passions and interests. Why is this important? Well, for the most part, anything you do in business - whether it's an offline or an online business - needs one essential ingredient. That ingredient is your enthusiasm.
How Do You Find Products To Sell?
One of the great advantages of affiliate marketing is that you don't need to buy any stock, deal with payment systems or arrange product delivery. The product owner takes care of all of these issues.
Affiliate networks are best place to find products to sell. Signing up for these affiliate networks is easy. Once signed up, you can find products and services in just about every niche you can think of. You will also be able to see which products are selling the most and which products have the most affiliates.
Some of the more popular affiliate networks are:
  • Amazon Associates
  • ClickBank
  • PayDotCom
  • ShareASale
  • CJ Affiliate
  • JV Zoo

Tuesday 22 August 2017

The Perfect Content Marketing Strategy

Does an effective content strategy can generate better search rankings, higher traffic and onsite engagement and ultimately, more sales? Well, this is video is a must see.

Targeting Your Content for Maximum Impact

You write amazing content and you post it for all the right people to read. Then what happens? Either your content makes a big splash or it doesn't. If the impact isn't there, there are things that you can do to change that. It is all in the targeting.
It is all in the story
Every piece of content that you write must have a story in it. You don't want to tell the same story every time but each story should be filled with interesting, compelling words that resonate with your target audience. Your story is a demonstration of how human you are and how much like them you are in so many different ways.
Timing is critical
Although your content must be top quality and it must contain all sorts of things that will make it draw attention, there are still other elements that go into the formula that will make it successful. One of those things is timing. At this point, without a doubt, you will have established the correct (and most appropriate) target audience before this point. Of course, it goes without saying that your content is perfect (or, as close to it as possible) before this point as well.

Now, all you need to worry about is when to post the content for maximum impact. Of course, you probably understand that your content must also be in the proper format, use of language, and the appropriate device as well.
At this point, it is probably helpful to examine the various aspects of this more closely.
  • Posting to the appropriate people: The first concept that should drive you is that your content should be married to your target audience. Obviously, if the content is not of interest to your target audience, they will not read what you are posting. If that is the case, you will not have an opportunity to develop any sort of meaningful relationship with them. Without a relationship, you won't get anywhere. Your content will need to resonate with your target audience members. Your story will need to connect with them on an emotional level because the experiences that you are discussing are their experiences too. Your story must be extremely personal to them.

  • Posting the appropriate content: When it comes to your content, it does not go without saying that any content will do. Your content should be well-thought-out and well executed. The truth is that you have taken a great deal of time and effort to establish exactly who your target audience members are and you have taken great pains to make sure that your content truly speaks to those target audience members.

  • Posting in the appropriate place at the appropriate time: This is one of the most critical aspects of your content's success. It is very important for you to establish a solid relationship with your target audience members way before you reach this point. Assuming that you have been able to do that, you will come to understand their habits and preferences as far as reading posts online and interacting are concerned. That will drive you to post your content in the right groups and at the right times of day and on the most effective days of the week. It isn't that difficult to establish this. It is just that you need to wrap your mind around those concepts for them to work for you.

  • Posting in the appropriate format and on the appropriate device: This is more important than you might think. Considering how many people view their content on some sort of mobile device nowadays, it is important that you optimize your content accordingly. The average business person is most likely not sitting in front of the computer on the desk, waiting for content to come in. He or she is on the go, attending meetings, etc. Content must be at the person's fingertips wherever he or she happens to be at the time.

  • Using the appropriate language: The language that you choose for your content is an extremely important part of how you communicate and although you never want to lose your individual voice, you will want to use language that the target audience member can respond to positively. Your voice should be clear, concise, and beautifully expressed. There is no doubt that the other person will respond well to that.

Monday 21 August 2017

How To Get Personal Training Clients From Facebook

How To Get More Paying Clients For Business Without Burning Advertising Dollars That Have No Result

When the majority of the marketers consider social media, they associate it immediately with brand building and not with sales. It is because, none purchases any product or service just after seeing an ad, video or tweet. But this is not true actually. In fact, social media does a lot more than just working as a method to grow a brand and to connect to the present customer base. While done properly, the social media platforms like Facebook can actually help you to generate real leads.
But when it actually makes sense to consider social media as the area of investment? Here are the details to consider:
  1. An alternative to the costly market research: If you look at the social media feeds once, you will get to know that people don't find any trouble expressing the opinions on this platform. Things that look like a nuisance at times can also be beneficial for the marketers, who are in search of some unvarnished standpoint. While one can ask direct questions to the organic social following, paid social is available with some added benefits. First and foremost, the social ad campaigns are comparatively cheaper as well as less time-consuming than hiring a marketing research company. While a paid social campaign is connected to an online lead generation or survey page, it is actually possible to test whether any idea is worth pursuing.

  1. Advertising to any targeted demographic, location or interest: Developed on the concept of targeting audience, paid social media tools are worth of investment for the businesses planning to get their ads in front of individuals in any specific demographic or location.

  2. Reaching to the mobile audiences: In case you feel that marketing your brand on the mobile device is necessary for your campaign, then social networks must be at the top of the options of paid advertising. Experts have revealed that, in the case of social media, every post gets at least two times more share than the desktop. Actually, paid search increases the engagement by putting all the sponsored posts in front of the more targeted and larger pool of users. And most importantly, the majority of the social networks were launched as mobile first.

  3. Promoting only the best content: Social networking is actually a busy place where people mostly compete for getting other's attention. Due to the hectic environment, soon social networks started to implement algorithms that were designed to decrease the less interesting posts. It means, your updates displayed to the audience can reduce in frequency every after expressing previous interest through the shares and likes. Facebook has started implementing such an algorithm with other networks following. So, in this pay-to-play environment, investing in the paid social media for the best content pieces would be worth of the additional spending.
There are few points to consider in this regard:
  • The psychological growth
  • Moving the value chain up
  • Optimizing the revenue model
  • Maximizing the Marketing and
  • Systems and automations

In the recent time, the Facebook ads work as a prime example of practicing advertising on the social media, which is also considered as "paid social". With the highest figure of Monthly Active Users of any social networking platform in this world, Facebook has become really competitive as well as potentially rewarding element of the digital advertising strategies of a number of businesses.
Even though social media advertising like Facebook advertising is considered as similar to the AdWords (as users use both these platforms to promote their websites on the web), but there is a big dissimilarity. And it is that the paid socials like Facebook help the users to find out companies on the basis of their interests where the paid searches made in the search engines allow businesses to find out more clients through keywords.
Ultimately every social media platform is capable of offering value in a form or another while it comes to various types of advertising approaches. With the average monthly user base of more than 1.5 billion, the dominance of Facebook has almost become flat out unquestionable and the company is also towering over this competition at present. Being considered as the social media giant, Facebook has a larger audience base than any other platform and it also understands the potential reach and the value that the businesses are capable of capitalizing on. So, it can't be ignored.
How do the Facebook ads work?
Facebook ads are usually available in a number of varieties. These allow the users to promote their posts on a page, promote their pages, create posts on any website or create a post on any actions that the users took. Therefore, despite the increasing focus of this social media on native ads and maintaining traffic on this site, it is still successful sending users to the sites of the companies they are targeting.
As the Facebook ads target users on the basis of their demographic, location and profile details, therefore every user needs to set a specific budget after creating ads and therefore bid for every click that the ads would receive.
The ad targeting options that Facebook offers are completely unparalleled. Here business owners can target their potential clients by:
  1. Age
  2. Location
  3. Gender
  4. Connections
  5. Interests
  6. Languages
  7. Relationship status
  8. Workplaces
  9. Education

Sales lead generation with Facebook:
So, if you are thinking of Facebook advertising, there is a high chance that you have plateaued with the organic Facebook strategy. Paid promotions can be the next logical step, which you can consider.
You must have seen your competitor businesses popping up in the News Feed of Facebook with some engaging advertisements. Now you are ready to explore the same thing for your business. Converting more and more people from Facebook usually requires emphasizing unique propositions of value, multiple ad creative and highly targeted segments of audiences at different times and on different devices. But with numerous possibilities, it often becomes quite easy to mess up. So, how to generate sales leads with Facebook?
In case you really prefer to generate leads with Facebook, odds are that you would have to invest some amount of cash into the ad campaign at a certain stage. But the best thing is that Facebook ads are available at lesser costs ($0.80) than half the cost of per click compared to the AdWords ($2.50).

So, in case you have the required budget or the right strategies to beat the algorithm, then here comes a list of things that you need to consider:
  1. Treat the Facebook page like sales page: Often a big mistake that most of the entrepreneurs do is that they don't take the Facebook pages seriously as this social media website doesn't offer navigation, no direct method to generate leads or no clear CTA. It is because, most of the people consider that there is no way to generate leads But actually, a Facebook page can be a great website or a sales page with a properly updated news feed, a clear call to action and some professional and high-quality photographs.

  2. Target and narrow the audience: The first order of business is all about identifying the goal for Facebook advertising. This thing will come down to the target market. With Facebook, it is actually possible to target the ads, which is specific to the target audiences. The targeting basics mainly include Age, Gender, and Location of the target clients. It is even possible to narrow down the targeting basics by zoning in on the interest of the audience, explicit consumer behaviors and connections and demographics. Next thing you need to do is to execute an honest accounting of the target market ahead of time to complete the Facebook advertising field, which can yield actual clientele.

  3. Run giveaways and contests: People love free stuff and competitions, therefore these two things can be considered as the best methods to generate leads with Facebook. On the basis of the industry where you are operating, you can run a copywriting or advertising contest, run a book or can do many other things. In fact, you can do anything that will encourage people to put their names happily and willingly and email into the CTA box would serve your purpose well.

  4. Use ads to build the page: After locking the target market in, the next thing you have to do is to start promoting the business. All you need is to generate qualified leads. But in this case, first, it is important to focus on the Facebook rep. But why does it actually matter? While a potential client comes across your ad and like what they prefer, often they choose to validate the business by referencing the Facebook Page. If the clients arrive at your webpage and find that you have a really small engagement and following on the recent posts, you will fail the inspection. Their trust in you as the authority in this industry would minimize. This is why your initial effort with the Facebook ad should be to promote the posts and pages. This thing will lead to increased page following and post engagement. Apart from that, you also have to increase the page likes to take the help of the Facebook advertiser support features that will also help you to expand upon items.

  5. Promote websites with link ads: Once your Facebook page following increases and you get a momentum, next thing you want to do is to focus on delivering the targeted users to your site. It is because your website is the primary method of securing online business. Facebook link ads can help you to accomplish your goals with some readymade Call to Actions like "learn more", "shop now", "book now", "sign up" and "download". More visually appealing the link ads are, the more effective these would be. Therefore, it is important to have a database of engaging texts or titles and eye-catching visuals or imagery to make sure that the users click through to your website from Facebook. Besides, the landing pages of your website should match the tone of the Facebook ad. Apart from that, the landing pages should be enriched with CTAs and prompt that this encouragement refers traffic to take the necessary actions.

  6. Getting leads within or from Facebook: Leads are basically the keywords for different types of businesses. For instance, buyers won't buy any service or product from Facebook directly by clicking a button. So, the thing that the business owners look for is to get leads with strong conversions from the social media platform. This thing helps the Facebook referral visitors to take some action like requesting an estimate, completing a contact form etc. Even though not everyone will click to your site through Facebook, but this doesn't mean that you will not get quality leads.

One of the best things about the Facebook lead ads is that these are also tailor made for the mobile user experience. Focus on mobile makes these lead ads a wonderful option for those businesses, which are concerned about the own mobile delivery of the websites. By considering Facebook lead ads, your potential clients would view the engaging ads on Facebook and they will get a pre-populated pop-up form with the contact details while tapping the ad. So, with a single tap, your clients will get the information they prefer and in turn, you will get the qualified lead.
So, it is understood that the Facebook ads demand a clear design and strategy, which includes each of these components. Therefore, if you are not sure about any of the components, then you must consult with the experts. Usually, Facebook ads take an added level of expertise while it is compared to the traditional ads. So, to be a pro in this field and to get more Facebook leads, you have to be well aware of the differences. This will also help to make the campaigns successful.
Thus, the main keys to get high value clients are:
  • Believing genuinely in your own worth so that your clients don't doubt
  • Position yourself and your business properly so that the competition becomes relevant
  • Choosing the right client base, who will treat you like an investment
Analyzing the performance of a campaign:
After a campaign goes live, every business owner must likes to dive into all the available information to measure and optimize the performance of the campaign. In Facebook, this is actually easy as in the Facebook's Ads Manager, the advertisers are offered the results on the basis of the most important data to the campaign. Here every garnered statistics can be broken down by the campaign, a specific ad or an ad set with the scope of categorizing on the basis of the things that are most important.
The bulk of data would report the campaign detail that the advertiser considers as most relevant like as total ad spend, an average rate of the campaigns, completed objectives that the campaign has generated and also the frequency such as the total number of times the ad has been displayed to any new visitor.
While analyzing particular ads, it is possible to compare the metrics in the similar campaign and therefore to optimize the campaign accordingly. The campaign analysis also offers details on things like low impressions, low click-through rates etc. or this even determines whether the cost is too much while weighed against the actions that are being earned.
So, while the values in the data and metrics breakdown often vary on the basis of the importance of the advertising strategies, the reporting tools of Facebook can facilitate answers to most of the questions that one may have about the performance of a campaign.

Basic differences between Facebook ad and traditional advertising:
  • Facebook ads actually micro-target: Can you remember the last time when you could micro-target any particular group of people with a cable or radio ad or newspaper with regal efficacy. Being capable of laser-targeting customers or prospects at a deep level is just huge. Until this time, Google AdWords was the only real game available. But Pay-Per-Click advertising allows the users to target their clients by keywords and location. Likewise, Facebook ads allow the users to target their potential clients by keywords, location, workplace, interests, age or birth date.

  • These ads are social: Native ads where the ads are mainly integrated into the social media stream performs really great. But while creating a Facebook ad, you need to keep it in mind that you are competing for attention and therefore your ads should be compelling enough. The old style of ads with traditional conversations won't cut it. Rather, the ads need to be native in-stream ads.

  • Facebook ads are cost effective: Whether you are just running ads to increase the audience base or just targeting for a particular campaign, Facebook ads are really reasonable compared to Google AdWords and traditional advertising. Spending several hundred dollars every month could help you to reach your goal.

  • Facebook ads never interrupt: While properly written and effectively placed, the Facebook ads are quite less interruptive compared to the conventional advertising. The best thing about the Facebook ads is that these don't like ads and more like status updates. Therefore, visitors don't mind watching those as they don't have to search for the ads.

  • Facebook ads are really effective: Broadcasting to the masses is quite like tossing a fist full of money into the wind. Once you can establish the business as a trusted resource by offering some great quality contents, which the fans want to engage with, then Facebook ads will become bearable to the users. Research has proved that the Facebook ads have a higher click-through rate compared to Google AdWords.

  • Facebook ads offer power: There is no reason for handing over the Facebook ad to someone else. Here the information is at fingertips of the users. Besides, here consulting and training are also available and the skill, time and effort really pay off. But this power must not be taken lightly. Often hip-shooting comes back and bite. Therefore, attempting to push spammy advertisements on the uninterested fans or users will lead to irreparable damage to both your reputation and brand.