Monday 13 August 2018

BLOGGING TIPS from a Full Time Blogger | What you need to know before yo...

6 Tips For Bloggers To Leverage Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing is not a new concept now. Still, a lot of companies and experts lack the actual understanding of the subject. There are still many dark areas to explore for many. Actually, every blogger also needs it. So, here are my 6 tips for bloggers to leverage digital marketing. It is easy if you apply common sense and go for it with a proper strategy. In fact, it doesn't require you to pay to somebody else for it. If you just acquire some basic understanding, you can do it yourself. So, let us try to take a deep dive into the subject to understand it better. The Internet has been a revolution in everybody's life. In fact, technology gets a new meaning with it. Similarly, marketing has become easier and faster. Definitely, for businesses and entrepreneurs, it might become important to hire an agency or an expert.
The reason for that is businesses can't afford to lose their sales because of lack of their knowledge in the field. That is why they can even think of outsourcing their marketing to an agency. But bloggers can't do that. Contrarily, they also need to market their posts appropriately. So, here are a few tips for bloggers to leverage digital marketing.

Sunday 12 August 2018

The SEO Point of View: Buying a Website vs. Starting a New One

Advantages of Buying an Existing Website

Why create a new e-commerce business from scratch when you can buy an established website which is already successful. Such established websites can be a smart move for those who are looking out for an assured income from day one.
Here are some amazing advantages of buying an established website online: -
1. You will have to do less hard work as someone else has already done for you!
Since you are thinking of buying an established business online, you can simply erase the responsibility of designing or coding the website to get started with the business. You can revamp the acquired website whenever you want, it is not mandatory to do it immediately as it still makes sales. You will not have to pay anything from your pocket as you will start getting cash flow from the first day if you are opting for an existing website.

Saturday 11 August 2018

14 Realistic Ways To Make Money Online - Real-Life Examples on How To Be...

7 Proven Ways To Make Money Online

The internet continues to provide new and innovative ways to start and grow your business. Whether you are looking to add another revenue stream, become your own boss or simply work from the convenience of your own house. It provides you with a large and diverse customer base, efficient and cost-effective marketing channels. It also allows you to deliver your goods and services to customers hassle-free. There are several strategies you can use to make money from internet businesses. The best thing is that they are diverse and cater to just about any interest and activity out there. From content creation and creative services to selling your own merchandise, the internet makes it possible to achieve your dreams of making money from your own business.
1. Content Creation
You might have heard the saying that in the world of online business content is king. Well, the only reason you hear it so much is because it is true. If you are good at creating high-quality content then there are a lot of people who are ready and willing to pay you to create content for them.